Previous articles such as Reasons Business Needs A Responsive Website and Before Closing The Deal On Your Design would definitely impact what you are about to read.

Your website user experience (UX) determines the ease of the website for your user and how long the user stays on the page. The aim at all times is to have our user conversion increased, this is converting to leads.

Bear in mind that your UX design is always the backbone of your website and website of that matter.

Here are five (5) tips on improving your user experience of your website thus, impacting your website’s conversion:

Clear Call To Action Buttons

Once speaking of quality user experience and interface for your visitors, your call-to-action (CTA)buttons play a vital role, be it, visitors, conversion, user engagement of converting your leads to profit.

Your CTAs improve user experience on any website once there are clear. It is strongly advised that your call to action is placed on every page of the site; this should also be clear.

If you have a fold designed website, it is vital to have your CTA above the fold to have it visible to your user. Few things you should keep in mind:

  • Using the right color on your CTA matters. It makes it pronounce, primarily if you use a contrast color other than that of the color scheme, pulls more attention.
  • When writing your CTA, try not to exceed more than four (4) words.
  • Ensure your texts are care oriented, and whatever you do, avoid passive verbal texts. 


Fast Loading Pages

A webpage that loads slowly can result in a frustrated user who may eventually click the back button and move to another website faster.

Research has shown that if a website takes three (3) seconds to load, the user may leave. The loading time also can decide if there are further visits by that user or affiliates of such users.

We advise that you not only optimize your website speed only for desktop or pc users but mobile users as well. Considering that most of the world’s population are mobile users, and Google is taking the mobile-first approach, mobile optimizing is recommended without fail.


Image Usage

Image usage or choice sometimes is not seeing nearly as important or exciting as it should be. Images help to make the website more visually appealing and tell how good, or bad your website will be. 

Never overuse stock photos; it is seen as cheaper and easily accessible but can take away value and meaning from the point you are aiming at putting across. 

A more realistic overview is usually outlined with original photos and may allow users to connect with your website. As for stock photos may be seen as overuse and may not appeal to the user the way they needed.


Color Selection

Color selection plays a huge part in website visitors and their attention span (how long a visitor stays on the website before hitting the back button). The color selection must also be uniform throughout the site. 

Research has shown that over sixty percent (60%) of website users will stay on the website if the color scheme is consistent and reflects on what the product the site is supporting. 

In color, selection takes, for example, a website in support of cancer. The color scheme would be pink and white, for valentine red and white, environmental green, and the list goes on.


Check For Errors

When your users search and land on your page, they want to have a working page, getting an error will automatically drive them to another page for service.

One error with high capability to drive the user away from the website would be 404 am while this may not be unavoidable here are some actions to take to mitigate:

  • Constant review while the site is published.
  • Once these are discovered, have them fixed immediately.
  • Relevant images are required to reduce possible annoyance on the website.
  • Ensure your user is confident that you are looking out for their best interest by having words that work with your user to neutralize the effect error has on the user(s).